Understanding Different Levels of Magic Mushrooms Trips

Magic mushrooms, also known as psilocybin mushrooms, are kinds of fungi that are mostly consumed for the hallucination effects that they contain. The plants occur naturally in the environment, and they are found in a group of drugs called psychedelics. They are associated with some changes which are experienced in the way one thinks, feels, and even the manner in which one perceives things. The main content in these magic mushrooms is psilocybin. When taken into the body, it is converted into psilocin. It is a chemical in nature containing psychoactive properties. There are generally six magic mushroom trip levels one must know. These levels are a manner of describing your trip and its intensity. For instance, level-one is said to be a low-level trip, and level five is a high-level trip. These levels depend on the percentage concentration of psilocybin. This blog article talks about the six magic mushroom trip levels you should know about. Mushroom dosage below is a general suggestion as effects will vary from person to person depending on your weight and experience with shrooms. It usually takes around 10-30 minutes before you’ll notice effects after consuming dried shrooms and can last up to 4-6 hours.


Trip Level 0: Microdosing

The first magic mushroom trip level is called Microdosing. Under this level, a sub-perceptional dose of the drug is integrated into your body. It induces your body to show creativity to a higher degree. It accelerates energy quantity, improves focus, besides improving your relational skills. Mushroom microdose is when you take a very low shrooms dosage of psilocybin or psilocin mushrooms, so low in fact that won’t feel any of the full-body effects but you will still unlock the potential of your mind. You should take in a required dosage, which is usually 0.1- 0.5 grams. Microdosing mushrooms of this substance can treat alcohol as well as tobacco dependence, apart from curing end-of-life anxiety.


Trip Level 1: Happy Go Lucky (Mini-Dose)

Happy go lucky is the second trip level. This level comes with feelings that may be positive since the connections of the cerebral hemisphere alter. It may be followed by music becoming deeper and colors turning brighter. This makes your environment and settings tangible since your senses open up. At this trip level, you become honest not only with yourself but also to your friends or people around you. You are needed to take in about 0.75 – 1 grams of dried mushrooms and do not overdose.


Trip Level 2: Beginner’s Paradise (Museum Dose)

Trip level two is usually referred to as Beginner’s Paradise. This level comes with hallucinogenic feelings, which makes you see objects moving and coming to life along with geometrical forms when you close your eyes. This level makes you feel and see non-living things or objects “breathing.” It may become difficult to concentrate and communicate. Your creativity level is also increased. The recommended quantity is about 1 – 1.5 grams of dried shrooms.


Trip Level 3: Classic Psychedelic Trip (Moderate Dose)

There is another magic mushroom trip level called classic psychedelic trip or moderate dose. At this level, 1.5 – 2.5 grams of dried mushrooms is taken in. All things around you look and seem changed or distorted. Sometimes you can see patterns on walls, faces, objects, among other things. You no longer see subtle flashes. It feels it’s happening in real. This trip level is best taken in safe settings and the environment with your close comrades, and it enables you to make fun memories.


Trip Level 4: Flying with the Stars

The second last trip level is level four. It is called “flying with the stars.” At this stage, very great hallucinogenic feelings engulf you. Sometimes you may find yourself in a virtual world as there is no reality because, at this phase, you lose it. Your mind expands, and you find life changed and altered. Things start morphing. This mushroom dosage is taken but only with ones who have great experiences. Besides the above experiences at this level, you cannot comprehend time since it loses meaning to you. You need to take the right dose at this level too. The recommended quantity is about 3 – 4 grams of dried shrooms.


Trip Level 5: Total Loss (Mega Dose)

Lastly, level five is known as the level of “total loss or mega dose.” The right shrooms dosage is 5 grams or more of dried mushrooms. At this stage or trip level, one loses complete connection with reality. It becomes very difficult to understand or explain. There are many more hallucinations than all of the earlier trip levels. The real universe stops to exist. Time and space are highly distorted. There is no logic at any point to you at this phase. You even go to the extent of losing your identity. Your body senses do not work normally. This trip level five, just like trip level four, is best for people with high experience with shrooms.



In conclusion, the magic mushroom trip levels above have different features. Each is associated with its own unique experience. It is upon you to know and decide what you require and go for the best trip level that fits your needs. Get to commemorate each of the magic mushroom trip levels thoroughly before you venture into using the same. By doing that, you will manage to overcome any negative effects that may occur due to the intake of wrong dosage.


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Originally posted on December 21, 2020 @ 8:26 pm

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