All About the Different Types of Hallucinations

All About Different Types of Hallucinations

What are Hallucinations?

Hallucinations are illusions that affect one or more of our five senses. They cause sensory experiences that seem completely real, whereas it is all in the mind. An example includes hearing voices while alone in the house or seeing images that the person next to you doesn’t.


What Causes Hallucinations?

Several factors can cause sensory hallucinations, such as;

  • Mental conditions like dementia, delirium, and schizophrenia
  • Side effects of certain medications
  • Neurological conditions like epilepsy
  • Lack of sleep
  • Excessive consumption of alcohol
  • Taking drugs such as psilocybin, amphetamines, ecstasy, LSD, and cocaine


Types of Hallucinations:


Visual Hallucinations 

Visual hallucinations can be described as seeing a distorted version of things in your surroundings. These distortions are primarily experienced by individuals who consume psychedelic drugs such as LSD, psilocybin, PCP, DMT, Ayahuasca, and others.

The hallucinations range from mild to extreme: in low doses, users have a pleasant experience characterized by visualizing extra vivid colors, discovering new patterns that they wouldn’t normally notice, and seeing halos around familiar objects.

Higher doses can result in seeing objects, people, or shapes that are not there, which can cause a lot of confusion and inability to decipher what is real and what is not.

Sometimes, the users may experience sudden mood changes as the hallucinations shift from mild to extreme.


Auditory Hallucinations 

This hallucination type involves hearing voices that are non-existent or hearing a distorted version of what was originally said. The voices can range from low to loud and from pleasantly friendly to frighteningly intimidating.

Auditory hallucinations primarily affect individuals with certain mental conditions like schizophrenia or psychosis; however, psychedelic drugs can also be the cause.


Tactile Hallucinations 

Tactile hallucinations present as whole-body sensations that appear real but aren’t. It is purely physical, and the brain is tricked into believing that something or someone is touching them.

In extreme cases, the user will experience intense fear as they feel things, mostly bugs crawling inside their skin. Users of crystal meth might find this illusion too real that they end up hurting themselves, trying to eliminate the bugs. Eventually, their skin ends up scarred and exposed to infections.


Olfactory hallucinations

These types of hallucinations affect an individual’s sense of smell, such that they smell non-existent odors. They are associated with epilepsy and neurological damage.

Olfactory hallucinations are quite rare, but when they occur, an individual is subjected to a lot of stress due to their inability to tell apart real smells from hallucinated ones.


Gustatory hallucinations

Gustatory hallucinations affect your sense of taste in that your palate experiences unpleasant and strange flavors, often with hints of metal that do not exist. They mainly affect epileptic patients, though they are sporadic.


Treatment for hallucinations

The treatment depends on the root cause of the hallucinations: if it’s a health condition, a medical practitioner might suggest drugs that suppress the illusions.

For people whose hallucination results from lack of sleep, a better sleeping routine is encouraged. The patient may be prescribed some drugs to facilitate regular, uninterrupted, and peaceful sleep.

Managing alcohol consumption may be beneficial in reducing hallucinogenic episodes.

Ceasing from taking drugs or microdosing might offer the best solution to drug-related hallucinations. Microdosing on psychedelics allows the user to tap into the myriad of therapeutic benefits compounds like psilocybin have to offer without experiencing the side effects.


Magic Mushrooms Dispensary is the Canadian home for top-shelf magic mushroom products. When you visit our site, you can be guaranteed a wide range of shroom products at competitive prices. We also have special sales and deals that you can take advantage of and save some bucks.

Different Forms of Shrooms: Dried, Edibles, and Capsules

Different Forms of Shrooms Dried Edibles Capsules

They say that necessity is the mother of invention. How accurate is this statement in the magic mushroom scene?

In the past few years, the use of magic mushrooms has become prevalent across the globe. More and more people are turning to shrooms for increased productivity and the alleviation of various physical and mental conditions.

As a means to ensure that everyone gets to benefit from the shrooms’ therapeutic properties, some brands and shroom enthusiasts have, over the years, come up with new forms to incorporate the product in their daily routines.

Having one form to consume mushrooms makes it a tad monotonous and prevents some people from enjoying the benefits. This necessity for inclusivity has led to the creation of different and fun forms of taking the product.

Shrooms can be enjoyed raw/dried, as edibles, or in capsule form. The choice one decides to pick will depend on their preference.

What’s your favorite form to consume shrooms? Let us look at the available choices so that you can easily decide which one would work best for you.


Dried/Raw Magic Mushrooms

There are 180 known species of magic mushrooms. Each uniquely offers the consumers varying therapeutic benefits ranging from boosting productivity to alleviating anxiety and depression.

Raw magic mushrooms come in their natural form: no flavors or additives. They can be taken in small doses for medicinal reasons or in higher doses for recreational purposes: it all depends on the user’s preference.

Some of the best raw magic mushrooms include;

  1. Golden Teachers Magic Mushrooms
  2. Blue Meanie Magic Mushrooms
  3. Penis Envy Magic Mushrooms
  4. Amazonian Magic Mushrooms
  5. Transkei Magic Mushrooms
  6. B+ Magic Mushrooms
  7. Avery’s Albino Magic Mushrooms
  8. Magic Mushroom Sampler Kit / Tasting Menu

Magic Mushroom Edibles

Magic mushroom edibles consist of any food, snack, or beverage made from shrooms. You can easily incorporate psilocybin in your daily, weekly, or biweekly regime by incorporating it in your meal plan.

The edibles available for sale have been tested for efficiency and come in accurate doses to cater to different consumers’ needs. You can easily purchase candy, teas, or chocolate-infused products from a reputable shrooms dispensary.

Some of the best shroom edibles include;

  1. INfinite Rx Shroom Infused Large Heart Gummies Edibles (4000mg)
  2. Magic Mushroom Chocolate ChocoNaut Edibles
  3. Temple Magic Mushroom Tea Bags
  4. Seremoni Psilocybin Chocolate Bar Edibles (Mint & Transkei Mushrooms)
  5. Thunder Clouds Milk Chocolate Magic Mushroom Edibles
  6. Shafaa Macrodose Magic Mushroom Vegan Fruit Strips Edibles

Magic Mushroom Capsules

Capsules are made from gelatin and non-gelatin shells from cellulose or animals. They are easily degradable in the human body and are considered safe.

The magic mushroom pills come with accurate dosage, usually in small amounts, to facilitate microdosing. They are naturally formulated to help the consumer stay focused, boost productivity and alleviate certain conditions like depression, anxiety, and peripheral neuropathy.

Microdosing allows the user to tap into the product’s therapeutic benefits without experiencing a full psychedelic trip.

Magic mushroom capsules contain additional nutrients to boost the consumer’s health. Some of the best capsules include;

  1. Spore Wellness (Cognitive) Microdosing Mushroom Capsules
  2. Neuro Botanicals (Brain Formula) Microdose Mushroom Capsules
  3. INfinite Rx (Absorb) Microdosing Psilocybin Capsules
  4. Jeanneret Botanical Micro 25 (Discover) Microdose Mushroom Capsules
  5. Shafaa Evolve Magic Mushroom Microdosing Cognition Capsules
  6. Spore Wellness (Essential) Microdosing Mushroom Capsules
  7. Temple Scooby Snacks Mushroom Party Capsules
  8. NOOT (Lemon TeK) Microdose Mushroom Capsules

Take away

The hope is that this article has made your decision-making much easier. You could always try all three forms and figure out which works for you best.

Visit Magic Mushroom Dispensary for all your shroom edible needs. We have the most extensive collection of products at unbeatable prices. Our delivery is fast, discreet and enjoy free shipping on orders above $99.

Free Gift! Get Free 3.5g of Golden Teachers on Orders Over $249

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We are happy to announce that we will be offering a Free Gift of 3.5 grams of Golden Teacher Magic Mushrooms (valued at $35) to all orders $249 and up. Golden Teachers are our most popular strain, known for its healing and classic magic mushroom experiences. Checkout total must be over $249, can be combined with sales and other promotions. The free 3.5g gift of Golden Teacher shrooms will automatically be included in all orders that qualify. Limited time offer.

To provide even more value to our customers, we’ve also recently added more deals to our Sale/Specials page. We firmly believe lower prices should not equal lower quality. We continue to source the highest quality mushrooms and shrooms products in Canada. We believe in fair and free access to the plant medicine for all Canadians and thank you for supporting our mission.

As always, we also offer Free Express Shipping on orders over $99 (lowest free shipping minimum in Canada).

Sale / Specials:

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What is Set and Setting and Why is it Important when you take Magic Mushrooms?

What is Set and Setting and Why is it Important when you take Magic Mushrooms

‘Set and Setting’ is a common expression brought into the limelight by Timothy Leary nearly half a century ago. Most people think that the concept of ‘set and setting’ was developed in the current civilization. Interestingly, most indigenous Central American tribes have been practicing vital ‘set and setting’ rituals for several millennia. There is a universal consensus among researchers that ‘set and setting’ can improve an individual’s pleasure, focus and security when taking magic mushrooms. So, what is set and setting?

What is Set and Setting?

To put it simply, ‘set’ refers to an individual’s state of mind and attitude towards magic mushrooms, whereas ‘setting’ refers to the physical environment where one chooses to take the magic mushrooms. Set and setting denotes various internal and external elements that can sway an individual’s overall psychedelic experiences. ‘Set’ represents an individual’s internal outlook, disposition, character, belief system, and perception. On the other hand, ‘setting’ refers to everything going on in the surrounding area, including the psychedelic trip sitter’s attitude and behavior, the sound of the birds singing, the weather condition, and the cultural forces, albeit the fact that they are non-concrete.

In his book entitled American Trip: Set, Setting, and the Psychedelic Experience in the Twentieth Century, Dr. Hartoghoson suggests that the notion that ‘set and setting’ refers to an individual’s mindset and surrounding is superficial. According to Hartoghoson, set and setting is a socially fabricated concept made up of society’s character, know-how, perception towards psychedelic experiences, and corporeal and social scenery provided by the community. Several cultural set and setting conditions inform an individual’s psychedelic experiences. The most common and highly influential condition is the collective truth that psychedelic drugs are illegal in many areas across the globe and are exceedingly stigmatized. Imagine that anxious feeling you get when you are forced to engage in a conversation while high on magic mushrooms. Weird, right?

Why is it Important?

Most people think that ‘Set and setting’ is exclusive to psychedelic experiences, but the truth is that ‘set and setting’ is applicable across all spheres of life.  Generally speaking, peoples’ internal states and external surroundings are lenses through which they experience and tackle life’s realities in any circumstance. Set and setting are habitually discussed in relation to psychedelic therapy because psychedelic drugs tend to amplify the lenses through which individuals experience and tackle life’s realities.

Recent studies have revealed that the ability to estimate a good ‘set’ is as valuable as understanding the value of a good ‘set’ to an individual’s ultimate psychedelic experiences. Gael, a renowned researcher and a study therapist of MDMA-aided psychotherapy, suggests that an individual needs to establish their real motive before embarking on a psychedelic experience. What is the primary goal of using psychedelics? Is one using it with intent to ‘escape’ a specific feeling or circumstance? If the answer is yes, then it is a good indication that one should, at least, direct their focus towards nursing their emotional and psychological well-being through conventional treatment methods such as therapy before using psychedelics. In simple terms, Gael says that any individual must work on their ‘set’ before using psychedelics such as magic mushrooms because it is the core determinant of the outcome of a psychedelic experience.

The main question that any individual should as before deciding to embark on a psychedelic experience by taking magic mushrooms or any other psychedelic drug is, how am I feeling at this moment? The answer to this question speaks to an individual ‘set and setting’ at a particular point in time. Why is ‘set and setting’ important when an individual chooses to take magic mushrooms? In our opinion, the answer to this question is best answered with another critical question, who, in their right state of mind, would want to be dealing with trifling reservations deeply for an extended duration of time? The truth is that ‘magic mushrooms’ and any other psychedelic drug tends to step up the state of mind that an individual is in when immersing themselves in a psychedelic experience. Logically, if an individual is in a poor state of mind, they are most likely to have a bad magic mushroom trip. If an individual is in a good state of mind, they are most likely to have a good psychedelic experience. ‘Set and Setting’ is important when taking magic mushrooms because it speaks to an individual’s state of mind during that time.

Enjoy Magic Mushrooms Delivered Discreetly in Canada is Canada’s most trustworthy & top rated online shrooms dispensary.  Whether you’re experimenting with psychedelics, looking for a great trip or you’re ready to dive deeper in unlocking your mind, you can get high quality magic mushroom from us. Click on Shop Online to buy.

Can Shrooms & Psychedelics Help Improve Mental Health?

Could Psychedelics Transform Mental Health

Mental health has proven to be incredibly hard to handle as the prevalence and effects of the conditions continuously increase, leaving the world in a spiral mental health crisis. Several studies have found psychedelics and magic mushrooms to show promise in treating mental health disorders like depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder, often where other treatments have failed. Can psychedelics help improve mental health?

Psychedelics have for long been applied in history for medical reasons. Psychedelics came to the mainstream when various clinical trials revealed their potential to treat mental health during the 1960s and 70s. Numerous researchers identified that psychedelics have potential in transforming mental disorders such as depression, addiction, and post-traumatic stress disorder in cases where other applied treatments failed to work. However, the drugs turned out to be controversial. It was popularized by musicians and other celebrities where they used it for recreational purposes, particularly LSD and shrooms. The press also started to cover the bad trips of psychedelics as well as moral dissipation they induced rather than advocating it for the developments made in scientific fields.

But scientists such as the former Harvard psychologist Timothy Leary turned to be the evangelist of this drug by sharing its benefits and blurring the huge boundary between science and advocacy. The drugs were considered illegal in the US in 1968 due to drug safety fears and increasing moral panic. The scientific research on these drugs was effectively ended in 1971 by the UN convention. It led to member states making them unlicensed and classified under schedule 1 drugs.

Since scientists needed special government approval to carry out psychedelic studies, they shifted to the magic mushroom compound psilocybin. It is related to LSD but with less controversy. During the 1990s, various pioneering studies regarding psychedelics were carried out. However, the breakthrough came to be in the mid-2000s when the drug underwent a scientific rebirth conducted by John Hopkins University. The studies revealed that psilocybin could reduce depression to a range of 80% for patients who have critical cancer. The drugs were very effective in helping people struggling with smoking addictions. It showed more promising results than other available treatments when used together with cognitive-behavioural therapy. Another UK scientist, namely Dr. Carhart-Harris, was the first in more than four decades to research psychedelics in 2009. His research was the beginning of different studies using scanners to understand how psilocybin impacts the brain.

Other findings from his research found that this drug can reset an individual’s brains with untreatable depression. The findings showed that psilocybin impacted two portions of the brain, the amygdala, which is responsible for processing sentiments such as fear and anxiety, and the default-mode, which collaborates with various brain parts. Although there is no detailed study on how psilocybin affects the brain, Dr. Carhart- Harris believes that the drug is responsible for effectively igniting the mind from its inflexibility. It enables an individual to overcome destructive thought patterns.

According to Dr. Carhart, using these drugs and a therapist’s support has proved to be effective since those who undergo the treatment recalibrate more healthily. But psychedelics have risks too. While the drug is said not to be toxic to the body, bad trips can lead to panic and have the potential of causing people to get harmed due to lack of control. They can also inflame the underlying mental health problems that can result in demented reactions in individuals predisposed to them. But there is a difference between when the drug is used for recreational and in scientific trials. Researchers use pure, medical-grade drugs to provide guidance through the experience while excluding individuals at risk of a psychotic reaction.

In 2018, many states around the globe, including Washington DC, experienced a vigorous adjustment in attitudes towards medical cannabis. The legalization of cannabis by Washington and the uplifting of restrictions by the UK government allowed it to be prescribed by a specialist to the patients for medical treatment.

The medical breakthrough followed the approval of ketamine nasal spray in 2019, which was under the supervision and was given to adults suffering from resisting depression treatment. What followed was more open-mindedness towards other stigmatized illegal and recreational drugs. The positive attitudes are due to the potential psychedelic has in changing mental treatment. From the above information, it is clear that psychedelics is a breakthrough treatment for mental health and can transform mental health. Most of the trials proved that the drugs are useful but not for everyone.

About Magic Mushrooms Dispensary provides Canadians access to high quality psychedelic mushroom products in a discreet and safe manner. Sign-up today and try out our unique range of magic mushrooms and microdosing mushrooms products.

5 Must-Read Magic Mushroom & Psychedelic Books

How to Change Your Mind What the New Science of Psychedelics by Michael Pollan

Psychedelic study refers to the process of equipping yourself with the knowledge on an array of experiences, including changes of perception such as synaesthesia, hallucinations, altered consciousness, and changes in thought patterns, trance states, mystical states, and any other mind alterations.

Magic Mushroom research and study has become popular over the years, and the best way to get the most relevant knowledge in this field will require excellent resource materials. Timothy Leary is the icon behind advocating using drugs to treat psychological issues rising from such patients. The information from the psychedelic books shed some light on how psychedelic drugs are used to heal depression. Simultaneously, it depicts how these tactics, if not used carefully executed, can be harmful, leading to addictions and behavioural change.

Here are some of the must-read books to look out for when familiarizing yourself with magic mushrooms and psychedelics:

1. How to Change Your Mind: What the New Science of Psychedelics by Michael Pollan

How to Change Your Mind is a No. 1 New York Times best-seller. Michael Pollan was initially interested in knowing how these substances could treat certain psychological diseases, but in his research, he discovered how it could even improve the lives of healthy people. He shares the journey he travels in the subconscious trance states to unlock the diversities the brain can reach. In his work, he clarifies the world-known myths that have been passed over for centuries. Pollan illuminates it all based on science, socio-cultural effects, and history.


2. Your Psilocybin Mushroom Companion by Michelle Janikian

In a world filled with misinformation surrounding psychedelic drugs, it can be hard to give a clear disparity of fact from fiction. In the book, Your Psilocybin Mushroom Companion, Janikian focuses on shedding some light on mushrooms with their effects. She gives a unique and easy guide on how to venture into the appropriate use of these natural substances. She gives vivid descriptions of the trips one is likely to have, which give an out of body experience into multidimensional universes. The trances one unlocks when enjoying the high is unimaginable. Exploration of how various doses can boost your mood, brain functionality, imagination, and much more. The author aims at curbing myths and misconceptions associated with the experience it gives.


3. The Psychedelic Experience by Timothy Leary, Ralph Metzner, and Richard Alpert

This book, The Psychedelic Experience, shares texts that aids in bringing the reader into a world of spiritual consciousness by combining psychedelic drugs and meditation techniques used in Tibet. It draws its roots from the ancient manuscript, the Tibetan Book of the Dead, focusing on the psychedelic point of view. It paints the picture of ego death due to high doses of psychedelic drugs such as LSD and mescaline, which led to the total loss of identity and utter transcendence. The authors of this book conducted immense initial research on LSD at Harvard, and many psychonauts consider this book as the doorway to the knowledge of such experience.


4. Consciousness Medicine by Françoise Bourzat with Kristina Hunter

Consciousness Medicine sheds light on the importance of balance regarding psychedelic drugs and traditional healing rituals for psychotherapy. In modern-day experiences with these substances, there has been a tendency to separate the drugs and the shamanic techniques used in the olden days to provide healing and transformation for those who need it. Bourzat uses her vast experience in counselling to share the detailed model for the preparation, journey, and integration of the healing rituals. The purpose is to intentionally execute and explore the various states of consciousness in mind with the aid of these substances.


5. The Doors of Perception by Aldous Huxley

The Doors of Perception shares an in-depth voyage of when Aldous Huxley took a psychedelic substance, mescaline, obtained from peyote cactus. It draws the roadmap of how the effects of the drug were to his state of consciousness. The detailed journals shared by Huxley have broadened the way people share their experiences when medicated on these drugs. The poetic, philosophical, spiritual, and psychological manner he tells his story only makes the study into this field intriguing to explore. From the late 50s to date, the account has been vivid in the mind of most readers of this book.


About Magic Mushroom Dispensary Canada

To buy the top two books, click on Shop Book. We give Canadians access to premium psychedelic mushroom products that are safe to use and packaged discreetly for your privacy. Whether you’re experimenting with psychedelics or looking for a great trip, you can get high quality magic mushrooms from us. Sign up today and try out our unique assortment of magic mushroom products.

New Lower Pricing! Same Great Quality!

New Lower Price

Magic Mushrooms Dispensary (MMD) offers the largest selection and the highest quality magic mushroom products in Canada. All of our products are sourced from reputable and reliable local growers and are tested by our team to ensure it meets our high standards.

Thanks to your continued support, we have been able to negotiate better volume pricing from our trusted farm network. We will be passing the savings directly to you, our amazing customers!

If you haven’t noticed already we have been rolling back prices lately and we will continue to do so as our costs go down. We firmly believe lower prices should not equal lower quality. We will continue to provide the same amazing quality and customer service at new lower prices.

Thanks again for supporting us and all the heartfelt reviews to help us become the #1 magic mushroom retailer in Canada.

Buy Shrooms from is Canada’s most trustworthy & top rated online shrooms dispensary. Our #1 priority is to deliver top quality products at reasonable prices in a discreet and safe manner. Click Shop Online to buy.

Is it Safe to Mix Antidepressants with Psilocybin Mushrooms?

magic mushrooms antidepressants

Psilocybin is a highly effective chemical in treating depression is a pretty well-accepted fact around medical circles. Thanks to the positive results that clinical trials have yielded, Medical professionals are now embracing psychedelics as an alternative to treating depression and other mental health conditions.

The only problem is those who stand to gain most from this development are patients who are already on prescribed antidepressants. It’s a catch 22 situation because they can’t automatically switch to psilocybin – or other psychedelics, for that matter– without risking their mental health. Unfortunately, there isn’t a lot of information out there on how psychedelics affect people with a history of antidepressant use.

A lot of research still needs to be done to figure out how psychedelics interact with antidepressants, especially those that contain selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs). SSRIs happen to be the most widely prescribed antidepressants, making up almost 80% of the antidepressant market.

Serotonin Receptors – where it all happens

One thing we know for sure is that both SSRIs in antidepressants and psilocybin in magic mushrooms have an effect on serotonin receptors in our brain. Serotonin is a “feel-good” hormone that’s produced in our brain, which is responsible for our overall sense of well-being. By attaching to these receptors psilocybin alters brain function and elevates our mood when we consume shrooms.

SSRIs, on the other hand, increase the levels of serotonin in the brain when they block this hormone from being absorbed into the neurons. This means that when SSRIs and psilocybin meet in the brain there’s a chance that SSRIs could blunt the effect of psilocybin, making it difficult to treat depression.

There’s a second school of thought that says taking psilocybin mushrooms while on an SSRI antidepressant can lead to overstimulation of your brain due to a temporary surge in levels of serotonin there – a condition known as serotonin syndrome. Some psilocybin treatment retreats do not accept visitors who are on SSRI treatment, or any other prescription medicine, because of how seriously they consider this risk to be.

It’s also not clear whether tapering off antidepressants can restore the full effects of a psilocybin trip on patients receiving magic mushroom therapeutic treatment. Experts such as Dr. Julie Holland, a New York-based psychopharmacologist, feel that past use of SSRIs could still hinder the effectiveness of psychedelic-assisted treatment even years after the patient has stopped taking antidepressants.

What about other antidepressants?


Like SSRIs, Serotonin-Norepinephrine Reuptake Inhibitors (SNRIs) also act by boosting serotonin, although they also increase the levels of noradrenaline- a stress hormone – in the brain. There’s a good chance that SNRIs can have an overlapping effect when combined with psilocybin. However, there haven’t been any formal reports showing negative effects of taking SNRI in combination with psilocybin.

The opposite sometimes appears to be the case, with SNRIs seemingly reducing the effects of psychedelics. Nonetheless, SNRIs shouldn’t be mixed with psilocybin until there’s enough research to prove such a combination is harmless.


Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors (MAOIs) is another category of antidepressants that’s sometimes used to treat anxiety disorders. They help boost the levels of neurotransmitters in the brain, including dopamine, serotonin, and norepinephrine, by preventing their breakdown. Considering that MAOIs alter the levels of serotonin in the brain, there’s a good chance that mixing them with psilocybin can result in negative effects like serotonin syndrome. It’s therefore best that the two are not mixed.


TCAs are Tricyclic Antidepressants (TCAs) or Tetracyclic Antidepressants (TeCAs), another class of antidepressants that are less commonly used in the Western world. That’s because they’ve been overtaken by SSRI and SNRIs – the third generation antidepressants.

Again, TCAs and TeCAs work pretty much the same as SNRIs, where they increase serotonin and norepinephrine levels in the brain. But they’re also much less selective as to which receptors they work on, which makes mixing them with psilocybin very dangerous because of the numerous side effects they cause. SSRIs have also been reported to cause fatalities due to their effects on the heart, which only makes the case for not mixing them with psychedelics stronger. Also, the fact that Lithium is commonly administered in combination with TCAs, it’s not advisable to mix TCA based antidepressants with psychedelics as it can result in heart attacks or fatal seizures associated with Lithium.

Tapering off antidepressants to take psychedelics

For patients to experience the benefits of psychedelics they may need to taper off antidepressants. However, tapering off antidepressants can be risky and patients shouldn’t try it before consulting a qualified doctor. Stopping your antidepressant medication at once can lead to severe side effects like insomnia, fatigue, dizziness, irritability and even physical effects like diarrhea and flu-like symptoms. It can also evoke suicidal feelings; the long and short of it is that it’s probably not worth doing even when you consider the positive effects of a psychedelic trip.


Although psilocybin has been proven to be highly effective in treating depression and other mental issues, it’s not advisable to take psilocybin if you’re already on antidepressants. If you decide to go off antidepressants you should be really careful about how you do it and be sure to consult a qualified doctor to advise you on how to go about it.


We give Canadians access to premium psychedelic mushroom products that are safe to use and packaged discreetly for your privacy. Sign up today and try our high quality selection of magic mushrooms and microdose capsules.

10 Rookie Mistakes to Avoid When Tripping on Magic Mushrooms

10 Rookie Mistakes to Avoid When Tripping on Magic Mushrooms

Just because magic mushrooms have a long history of safe use where fatalities from overdoses are virtually unheard of, it doesn’t mean they can’t give you a bad experience. To enjoy and get the maximum benefits from psychedelics you must approach them with respect.

Here are 10 mistakes a lot of newbies (and sometimes even experienced shroomers) make you’ll want to avoid:


1.    Tripping in the Wrong Setting

The place where you choose to consume your magic mushrooms is just as important as the dosage itself. If you’re tripping in an uncontrolled environment without professional supervision then you must do everything in your power to ensure that all sources of discomfort, distraction, or commotion are eliminated. You’re also less likely to have a bad trip if you’re in a safe, familiar and comfortable place like your living room or bedroom. You might also find it helpful to adjust the lights and ensure the place isn’t too warm or too cold. Playing some soft background music can produce some positive vibes.


2.    Over-consuming, especially edibles

Deciding on how much shrooms you should you take and measuring the quantities, can be a tricky question.  Our favorite saying here at Magic Mushrooms Dispensary is it’s always better to err on the side of caution. If you’re unsure and inexperienced, start slowly with a microdose of, say, 0.5g and then refill once you reach the peak. 2 to 3 grams of dried mushrooms is considered a full trip dose, and you don’t want to do a full dose when it’s your first time because you may not be able to handle the mushroom’s potency. If you’re taking edibles like chocolate choconauts or gummies, you should be really careful. The effects take longer to kick in but are more intense than those of dried mushrooms, so you need to wait things out before popping another gummy into your mouth.


3.    Tripping With the Wrong Company

Who you trip with is an important part of your set and setting. The best people to share your magic mushroom experience with are those who understand what a psychedelic journey means. They should be able to empathize with you during your periods of elation, or during your lows, like when you purge. Being in the company of noisy people who make fun of you when you experience discomfort is not only a waste of good shrooms, it could turn your experience into something nasty you’ll forever want to forget.


4.    Taking Shrooms with Alcohol or Other Drugs

Psilocybin mushrooms are highly potent, mind-altering substances. When taken in combination with alcohol, caffeine, or other hallucinogens, there can only be one outcome – disaster. Taking alcohol before or during your psilocybin trip can result in nausea, paranoia, panic attacks and even episodes of violence. Other drugs, especially synthetics, can produce even worse outcomes like a trip to the emergency room. Such reckless actions are what gives a wonderful drug like psilocybin a bad name, and you probably don’t want to do that. If you want to intensify your trip, take your shrooms in small increments. Eventually you’ll get the high you desire. If you’re going to mix shrooms with weed, make sure your timing is perfect, otherwise it could also result in a long bad trip.


5.    Being in the Wrong Mind Frame

Before taking magic mushrooms, make sure you’re in the right state of mind. Being positive and relaxed, rather than anxious about the experience can determine whether you have a great trip or a bad one. Mushrooms have a way of amplifying your worst fears, meaning any dark thoughts before you take the shrooms are likely to play out in the form of a bad trip.  If you’re already annoyed or anxious about something, reschedule your trip until you’re calm enough to handle the shrooms. Most importantly, don’t take magic mushrooms if you’re scheduled for an important meeting or job interview.


6.    Excessive Stimulation

It’s no secret that our brains become hyper-connected when we trip on magic mushrooms. Studies have shown that psilocybin has a way of disrupting the communication networks in our brains and reconnecting different regions that usually don’t talk to each other. This is what causes us to go through changes of perception like illusions, loss of sense of time and synaesthesia – hearing images and feeling sounds. If you’re in an environment where there are loud noises and very bright colors – like a night club, or out in the streets – this may overstimulate your already hyper-sensitive brain causing you to have a meltdown.  The best thing is to stay in-doors in a calm, relaxed environment.


7.    Not Hydrating Enough

It can never be said enough. Tripping and drinking water go together like peas and carrots. That’s because tripping does come with some side effects like having a dry mouth. You can also experience cold sweats during your trip and you’ll need to replenish the water that your body loses. It’s also advisable to take sugar containing drinks as they can lessen the intensity of your mushroom trip.


8.    Not Setting Enough Time Aside for your Trip

When going on your first psychedelic trip, there’s no such thing as being over-prepared. One of the most important aspects of your planning is ensuring you put aside everything else and create enough time to savour your trip. After all, a psilocybin trip lasts anywhere between 4 to 6 hours, so you want to be sure there’s adequate time for the effects to wear off. Free up at least 8 hours of your time and, if possible, do it on a weekend when you don’t have to report to work the next day. Feeling under pressure because you don’t have enough time to enjoy the trip can trigger feelings of anxiety and paranoia which will only ruin your trip.


9.    Tripping Without a Specific Intent

There’s nothing wrong with tripping purely for recreational purposes, but a trip that’s full of introspection is usually so much better. As Leo Zeff, a pioneer in the use of psychedelic therapy, put it: the quality of a trip is not determined by your experience that day but by your subsequent growth in the following months. Having a specific purpose for tripping before the event means you stand a greater chance of experiencing long term positive psychological effects compared to tripping just for the sake of it.


10. Not Drawing Lessons from Bad Trips

Although no one really wants to go through a bad trip, sometimes they can prove to be very beneficial. Bad trips are simply a reflection of your worst fears and could be a way of telling you there’s an emotional issue you need to deal with in your life. A lot of people usually write off bad trips as something to forget, rather than look at them as an opportunity to correct or at least confront something that’s gone wrong in your life. By using the come down from a bad trip as a period for deep reflection, we can turn this time into a profound moment of revelation about ourselves and use the lessons learned to improve on the next trip.


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Using Magic Mushrooms for Self Improvement

Using Magic Mushrooms for Self Improvement

There are all kinds of reasons why people use psychedelics. For some, it’s a path to self-discovery. For others, it’s a way to commune with nature. Still, for many others, it’s a way to kick back and socialize with friends.

Shrooms and psychedelics in general can be everything to everyone. They can be intoxicating, they can give you mind blowing visuals, or they can take you on a spiritual journey that’s completely transformational. It all depends on your attitude as the user.

One thing’s for sure, if you want an experience that goes beyond mere recreation, you need to approach magic mushrooms with a clear focus and the right preparation. Beyond the intoxication, geometric shapes and synesthesia lies a much bigger potential in magic mushrooms that you can miss out on if you don’t take them more seriously.

How can magic mushrooms transform you?

Magic mushrooms are catalysts that can initiate change in our personality. Research has shown that the effects of psilocybin mushrooms last more than 6 months after a trip on a substantial dose. They act as mirrors, showing you your other hidden side, and bring to the surface all your emotional battles and inadequacies for closer scrutiny.

Magic mushrooms take you through an emotional cathartic release, helping you get more in touch with your subconscious. In the process they dissolve your ego, enabling you to break the cycle of rigid thoughts and habits that hold you back in life.

Having the right attitude towards psychedelics means having a more open mind where you encourage deeper self-examination and purpose to come out of your spiritual trip a better person.

Tripping on shrooms with intent

Casual trippers usually miss out on the potential magic mushrooms and other psychedelics have of transforming lives. Whether by design or default, they often don’t prepare enough or integrate any lessons they pick up into their daily lives. By failing to do these two things, recreational users cannot enjoy the full potential of the trip.

Myron Stolaroff a researcher and author best known for his work in psychedelic psychotherapy says this about psychedelics, “Their true purpose is to enhance growth and interior development. Used only for pleasure, or abused, the Inner Self is thwarted, which leads to unpleasant experiences and depression.”

If you’ve never tried tripping with a specific intent from the outset, it’s something you need to consider. Like you do when preparing for a journey, have an itinerary of where you want to go, questions you want to explore during the trip. Think of it as a therapeutic session that should not be taken lightly, an honest appraisal about yourself.

If you’re tripping in a group setting, try and set aside some time where you’re by yourself. This will help you do some quiet introspection.

Ask yourself the more profound questions regarding your life, questions like:

  • What keeps me from reaching my full potential?
  • Does my behavior complement my goals and beliefs?
  • What changes do I need to make my life better?

Take time to think about each question. Feel it and reflect deeply upon it. If you focus your mind on these things during the trip, you’ll come back from the experience having learned some extraordinary things about yourself.

How to use your trip for self-improvement

Leo Zeff, who pioneered the use of psychedelic therapy, put it best by saying the quality of a trip is not determined by your experience that day, but by your subsequent growth in the following months.

As long as we pay attention to any insights we get from our trip and commit to applying the lessons learned in our daily lives, then our psychedelic experiences can become events that catalysis change, helping us to reach the highest level of self-awareness. One of the best ways to measure the quality of your trip is to consider how much you’ve grown from it.

As you go through a number of psychedelic trips, each new insight you get from the experience can act as a kind of feedback where you deal with disturbing issues one at a time. Think of it as a to-do list where you keep eliminating issues that give you a bad trip.

Using bad trips to grow

No one wants to go through a bad trip. But, contrary to what many people think, bad trips can prove to be very beneficial.

Bad trips are simply a reflection of your worst fears. They tend to bubble to the surface whenever your subconscious is set free. Needless to say, the emotions we undergo during a bad trip usually come from unresolved negative experiences we’ve had in our lives.

When we keep ignoring these deep lying concerns, they manifest themselves in the form of deep paranoia and anxiety, an amplified version of the concern itself. When this concern presents itself in a bad trip, it gives us an opportunity to confront it and do something about it.

By using the come down from a bad trip as a period for deep reflection, we can turn this time into a profound moment of revelation about ourselves.

When we reflect this way after each trip, even the good ones, you’ll get pointers on the things you need to address in your life, and the kind of changes you need to undertake for a positive transformation. As you make these changes, your trips will also change for the better.

What magic mushrooms can’t do for you

There’s no doubt psilocybin mushrooms can be very effective in helping identify the issues behind destructive behavior and thought patterns. However, they cannot be used to self-medicate for mental problems that require professional counseling. If you suffer from psychological illness, you’re better off getting psilocybin therapy in the right clinical setting under the close supervision of a psychologist.

Shrooms are also not a one-size-fits-all therapeutic remedy for a broad range of behavioral issues. The changes you undergo from psychedelic trips are progressive, and you have to manage your expectations of any positive personality change.


Once you’ve experienced the benefits of tripping with intent, make sure you share what you’ve gone through with your friends. Let them know that it’s fine to use psychedelics for recreation, but it’s much more fulfilling when you trip with the intention of self-improvement. Who knows, you might change their lives for the better!

About Magic Mushrooms Dispensary

We provide Canadians access to high quality psychedelic mushroom products in a discreet and reliable manner. Sign up today and try out our unique assortment of magic mushrooms and microdose mushroom capsules.