Top 8 Benefits of Shrooms

Golden Teacher Shrooms Canada

For years, magic mushrooms have been known to give people remarkable spiritual experiences enabling members of ancient tribes such as the Aztecs to communicate with their gods. Now consensus is building among researchers that shrooms aren’t necessarily the harmful and addictive drugs they’re made out to be. In fact, they could provide the key in holistic healing for human beings.

Here’s a look at 8 Benefits Shrooms:


1.   Shrooms Soothes Anxiety

If you’re the kind of person who suffers from bouts of anxiety, there’s some good news for you. Psilocybin mushrooms can help reduce your anxiety levels. A study conducted by a team of scientists at John Hopkins showed that moderate doses of shrooms in conjunction with psychotherapy helped terminally ill patients overcome anxiety and depression caused by their diagnosis. After a 6 hour treatment almost 80% of the participants showed significantly reduced anxiety and depression, results that were still evident 6 months down the line. 83% of those treated reported they were more satisfied with their quality of life, while two-thirds admitted their psilocybin session was one of the five most important experiences in their lives.


2.   Magic Mushrooms Lowers Depression

You may or may not know this, but Canadians are ranked as one of the highest users of antidepressants in the world. OECD, which released this statistic says that as much as 9% of Canada’s population is on one medication or other for fighting depression. Luckily a lot of research has been done on psilocybin therapy in relation to depression. In fact, psilocybin therapy has been given “breakthrough therapy” status by the FDA for the treatment of depression meaning its approval for such use is now being fast tracked.

Among the more promising outcomes of research is a 2017 study by the Imperial College London which found that psilocybin “may effectively reset the activity of key brain circuits known to play a role in depression.” A different study also showed that psilocybin combined with psychological support can revive one’s emotional responsiveness. It suggested that the chemical works without emotionally blunting patients as is the case with conventional antidepressants.


3.   Shrooms Alleviates OCD Symptoms

You’re probably familiar with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), a condition that’s associated with unreasonable thoughts and fears that result in compulsive behaviors like constantly washing your hands for fear of germs, or the need to arrange things in a specific way. Patients suffering from bipolar disorders are usually the most affected. Studies done by the University of Arizona showed that magic mushrooms were able to successfully treat the symptoms related to this disorder.

According to Dr. Francisco Moreno and Dr. Brian Bayze who work at the university, psilocybin works together with various serotonin receptors in the brain, including those which control certain brain regions of individuals with OCD. By treating them with multiple doses of shrooms, the binding activity of serotonin receptors changes thereby reducing such symptoms.


4.   It Can Treat Addiction

Whether you’re addicted to smoking, alcohol, or cocaine, psilocybin mushrooms could provide the answer to breaking these habits. One pilot study conducted by John Hopkins University researchers revealed that psilocybin therapy enabled participants to abstain from smoking for a period of 12 months during which follow-up was done.

Matthew Johnson, an associate professor of psychiatry, who led the study believes shrooms can potentially treat other substance abuse disorders like alcohol and cocaine addiction. According to him, these disorders are caused by “a narrowed mental and behavioral repertoire”. Such people can be shaken out of their routines using well-coordinated psilocybin therapy sessions.


5.   Magic Mushrooms Stimulates Growth of New Brain Cells

We know that psilocybin can help the brain establish new connections across its different regions but, get this, it can also help the growth of neorons in the brain. Research done by the University of South Florida showed that psilocybin enabled lab rats to overcome their fear by promoting the growth of new neurons in their brains, a phenomenon known as neuroplasticity. To put it differently, psilocybin repairs and grows brain cells by binding itself to receptors in the nerve cells that stimulate healing. Dr. Briony Catlow, the study leader, hopes the findings can be extended to humans in clinical trials.


6.   Psychedelic Mushrooms boost your creativity

It’s no secret that magic mushrooms improve your mood. At higher doses shrooms can send you into a euphoric state, but they can also promote a sense of creativity and insightfulness even at lower doses better known as microdoses. A 2018 study published in the journal Psychopharmacology corroborates this. It found that participants who microdosed on psychedellic mushrooms came up with more ideas on how to solve a task. The researchers found that they “were more fluent, flexible and original in the possibilities they came up with”.


7.   They Can Change Your Personality

Although brain function generally returns to normal after psilocybin psychotherapy session, research has shown that some effects can last longer. One such study, published in the Journal of Psychopharmacology, found that psilocybin can result in long-term changes in behaviors, attitudes and values. While studying its effect on five broad domains of personality- neuroticism, extroversion, openness, agreeableness, and conscientiousness, it demonstrated that there were “significant increases in openness following a high-dose psilocybin session.”

Openness refers to an individual’s attitude towards new experiences, and goes hand in hand with characteristics like imagination, creativity and aesthetic appreciation. In the study researchers reported that openness not only increased during the psilocybin sessions with participants, but almost 60% of the participants maintained a significantly higher level of openness more than one later. However, those who went through this personality change are only the ones who had a complete mystical experience during their high-dose session. The study went on to explain that the high dose should be administered under supportive conditions.


8.   Shrooms Can Potentially Treat Alzheimer’s

Following the findings by scientists that psilocybin promotes neuroplasticity in the brain, psychiatrists like Prof. Roland Griffiths from Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine think there’s an opportunity to study the effects of psychedelics in people with early Alzheimer’s disease. Speaking to Forbes, he said, “To the extent that these drugs produce neuroplasticity, there may be some enduring effects on cognitive process,” Although that’s in the future, he’s happy  that for now they know they can treat depression that comes with an Alzheimer’s diagnosis using magic mushroom drugs.



As much as magic mushrooms provide the health benefits described above, it’s good to remember that higher doses are administered in a controlled clinical situation. If you’re not highly experienced in taking psilocybin mushrooms we recommend that you start off by microdosing then increase your dosage as you get used to their effects.


About Magic Mushrooms Dispensary

We provide Canadians access to high quality psychedelic mushroom products in a discreet and reliable manner. Sign-up today and try out our unique assortment of magic mushrooms and microdosing mushrooms.

It’s My First Shrooms Trip, What Should I do?

How to Prepare for Your Shrooms Trip

It’s normal to be a little anxious before your first magic mushroom psilocybin trip. But you can relax, we’ve got your back on this one. We’ve put together a list of do’s and don’ts, and generally tried to give you an idea of what to expect inside your psychedelic journey.

First up, you need to know that the effects of the shroom will depend on:

  1. The dosage: at lower doses like the minidose (0.5g-1g) or museum dose (1g-2g), psilocybin mushrooms will mainly distort your sense of perception. But at higher doses (2g-5g) you will begin to experience powerful hallucinations referred to as spiritual trips.
  2. The strain of psilocybin mushroom: there are several types including the Big Mex, The Ecuadorian, or the Transkei Cubensis that will give you varying trip outcomes effects. That’s because they have different concentrations of alkaloids. Some, like the Transkei will give you more powerful visuals compared to the Golden Teacher which is mellower.
  3. Your mental status: you need to be in a good place mentally before taking shrooms, otherwise issues buried in your subconscious mind will bubble to the surface. Your worst fears could be amplified during your trip.


What Effects Should I Expect From Psilocybin Mushrooms?

Like most psychedelic trips, mushroom trips, vary from one individual to the next. Some may perceive intense visual effects, while others may have a more introspective psychedelic experience.

During the trip you’ll start feeling some interesting sensations in your body; this is normally what is referred to as a spiritual adventure. At this point you’ll feel as if there are no limits to time and space. You feel deeply connected with the universe.

Your sense of taste, smell and touch, as well as your hearing, and vision gain new dimensions like you never imagined. Expect the objects around you to become more vivid and concentrated, acquiring a new clarity.

Soon you’ll start giggling uncontrollably as euphoria takes over. You’ll hear the sounds around you begin to echo as the things you eat (if you do manage to keep it down) gain a new exciting taste.

Close your eyes and you’ll see intense 3D geometric patterns, rotating and switching into different intricate shapes. Open them and the walls, floor and ceiling will be covered by these patterns dancing in their full glare, almost as if some strange kaleidoscope has taken over your normal senses.

Next are your thoughts. They’ll flow freely and effortlessly, gaining a life of their own. They may diverge into different trains of thought, taking place simultaneously until they eventually converge. Prepare to experience life-like dreams played out by your subconscious in your mind’s eye.


What Rules Should I Observe?

  1. Don’t forget the “Set and Setting” Rule

The “set” is your state of mind. Try to relax and have positive thoughts as much as possible before taking the  magic mushrooms. If you’re anxious or annoyed don’t take shrooms otherwise your trip can quickly turn into a frightening and messy experience.

The “setting” is the physical environment and person(s) around you. If you want to have good vibes from your experience be in the company of a positive and reassuring person whom you’re comfortable with.

  1. Have a Trip Sitter

A “trip sitter” is someone, possibly a friend, who takes up the responsibility of looking after you, the tripper. Having someone like that around makes the atmosphere safer and can help in case you run into problems you can’t handle on your own. They can take shrooms in small doses just to keep you company and so as to empathize with what you’re experiencing.

  1. Use the Correct Shroom Dosage

How much shrooms should you take, can be a tricky question. It’s always best to err on the side of caution. Start slowly with a microdose of say, 0.5g and then refill once you reach the peak. Don’t try taking a full dose if it’s your first time, because you may not be able to handle its potency. Here’s how much magic mushrooms you should take to get the desired effects.

  1. Don’t Drive

You shouldn’t drive a vehicle or operate any kind of heavy machinery while you’re under the influence of shrooms. Also don’t take mushrooms a day before an important event like doing an exam or attending a job interview.

  1. Don’t get in Trouble with the Law

Mushrooms are best taken indoors either at home or in a place that’s familiar and comfy. That way, in case things don’t go according to plan, you can maintain your privacy. Keep off the streets when you’re taking mushrooms for the first time.

  1. Things to do on Shrooms

There’s lots of fun things you can do when tripping on magic mushrooms like relaxing on the couch or bed, look at art, watch a movie, listen to good music, play video games, or go stargazing.



Without a doubt experiencing a “bad trip” can turn you off experimenting with magic mushrooms. A bad trip can happen when you do it in the wrong environment and your dosing is all wrong. Luckily, deadly overdoses caused by magic mushrooms are a rare occurrence. Magic mushrooms have, in fact, been rated as the safest recreational drug in the world by the Global Drug Survey.

The long and short of it is when used correctly, shrooms can provide an amazing experience, but they must be treated with care and respect.


About Magic Mushrooms Dispensary

We provide Canadians access to high quality psychedelic mushroom products in a discreet and reliable manner. Sign up today and try out our unique assortment of magic mushrooms and microdose capsules.

How to Safely Consume Magic Mushrooms

First Timer Magic Mushroom Kit 1

How do you like your psilocybin mushrooms served up? Do you like the pleasant, relaxing and mind-altering trip experienced at lower doses, or do you usually go for the full-throttle mind-blowing psychedelic trip? Whatever your preference, as long as you have the right guidance, magic mushrooms can open the door to the world around you in a way you could never imagine.

Nonetheless, there are several housekeeping rules you must observe if you want your experience to be enjoyable, rather than a nightmare.


Identifying Psilocybin Mushrooms

First off, unless you’re very knowledgeable on mushroom identification you’ll probably want to leave hunting for magic mushrooms to the experts.  Psilocybe cubensis has several look-alikes that could be poisonous. Eat the wrong mushroom and you can end up with stomach problems, organ failure or fatal results. Luckily, here at we know our shrooms, and when you buy mushrooms online from us you’re guaranteed the safest, highest quality product.

That said, it is still useful to know the characteristics of Psilocybe cubensis. Most strains of this shroom are reddish-cinnamon brown in their younger stages of growth, and turn into a golden brown color as the fungus ages. The spores show in the gills below the cap and have a purple-brownish color. If the gills and spores are white, it’s probably a different mushroom variety. Ps. cubensis also has a partial veil and a small ring around the stem.  The stem, which is white or yellowish in color usually bruises blue when you touch or bend it.


Consuming Mushrooms Safely

The first rule when consuming magic mushrooms is if you’re new to them, you shouldn’t take too many at once because you don’t want your first mushroom experience to be a bad one. You’re probably better off microdosing mushrooms, starting with 0.1 grams of magic mushroom if your body weight is below 100 lbs. You can then up the dosage gradually to 0.5 grams depending on how you respond. A good start would be to try our First Timer Magic Mushroom Kit.

Once you take them, you’ll start slipping into different states of consciousness which can go on for several hours. This means you shouldn’t consume magic mushrooms just before going to work, driving, or operating machinery.

The state of your mental health is also important. If you’re suffering from depression, don’t take mushrooms, unless they are prescribed by a doctor and you’re placed under close observation, otherwise the mushrooms may end up magnifying your worst fears and anxieties. Also, don’t take magic mushrooms if you’re suffering from a bacterial or viral infection.

It’s preferable that you take mushrooms in the company of a friend who has taken them before, and when you do so, make sure you remain indoors. It can be at home or in another safe and comfortable place. While you might experience awesome visuals while outside, it’s best you do this when you have enough experience with psychedelic mushrooms.

Other drugs

Don’t mix magic mushrooms with other drugs, especially alcohol. It also probably best you stay away from cannabis as well. Although you may find cocktails of psilocybin and CBD in the market place, these are strictly recommended for highly experienced users.


The Different Ways to Consume Magic Mushrooms

1.    Eating them straight up

The most common way people take magic mushrooms is eating them. If you choose to consume them this way, it’s important that you chew them thoroughly, to bring out all the juices containing the psychoactive chemicals. When mixed with saliva, psilocybin gets into your blood stream and takes effect in about 45 minutes.

For the best results, we advise you take them on an empty stomach. Chewing may leave an unpleasant aftertaste in your mouth so you may want to use a grinder to turn them into a powder or paste that’s easier to swallow.

2.    Mushroom Lemon Tek

Ask any experienced user and they’ll tell you that magic mushroom dosing and lemon tek go hand in hand. Lemon tek is not only quick and easy to take, you’ll experience a more intense trip as lemon is said to act a kind of catalyst. Here’s what you should do:

  1. Thoroughly grind your mushrooms into a very fine powder.
  2. Pour the powder into a glass
  3. Fill it with lemon juice to a level just above the powder
  4. Let it sit for 20 minutes, stirring every 5 minutes
  5. Add some water and swivel then drink

Use half the quantity of mushrooms you would take if you were eating them dry.

3.    Making a Magic Brew

Another way of killing off the unpleasant taste of mushrooms is to take them in the form of brewed tea. At we offer organically grown magic mushroom tea available in three different flavors. Magic brew tea is really easy to prepare. Just boil some water, let it simmer and immerse the tea bag for 10 to 20 minutes, and you’re brew is ready.

4.    Microdosing with Mushroom Capsules

Most psychonauts know that going on a full psychedelic trip can cost you a whole day, which isn’t everyone’s idea of having a good time. If you prefer just being in a good place, as opposed to the full body high, then capsules are certainly the way to go. They’ll keep you energetic, focused and clear in your mind when going about your job, and are the best way to microdose.

If you would like an opportunity to experience ultimate clarity without losing an entire day, capsules may be your best friend. Capsules offer users a more accurate way or microdosing. They can also be taken very discreetly and are a lot less suspicious to carry around compared to regular magic mushrooms.

5.    Edibles

Adding magic mushrooms to food, opens up a whole new world of experiences, not just from a psychedelic point of view, but also for refining your culinary skills. Including mushrooms in your food helps improve their taste and reduces the feeling of nausea that a lot of users suffer.

However, you should avoid adding the mushrooms while actually cooking as psilocybin breaks down when exposed to too much heat. Instead, try adding them to sauces or toppings after your done cooking. Don’t forget to experiment with dosage until you find what’s right for you.


What to Do In Case Of a Bad Trip

If you follow the steps we’ve laid out above, you’ll be able to reduce the chances of having a bad trip considerably. However, in case one of your friends suffers from a bad trip here’s what you should know.

Firstly they’ll become extremely anxious and start acting really paranoid. They may even become hysterical or violent. Unfortunately, a bad trip can last as long as a good trip, meaning several hours. The victim of this experience may feel like it’s taking forever to end.

The important thing is to take them to a warm, comfortable and calm place and talk them through this difficult experience. Don’t call it a bad trip, just convince them that it’ll soon be over. Lastly, don’t hesitate to get help from someone else if you need it.


About Magic Mushroom Dispensary Canada

We give Canadians access to premium psychedelic mushroom products that are safe to use and packaged discreetly for your privacy. Sign up today and try out our unique assortment of magic mushrooms and microdose capsules.